50th Blog -Reflections

I seem to be have been born under a lucky star. January 1, 2021, is my 50th posting of The Blog.

How did it all begin? Well, thanks for asking. I’ve always had a hankering to write. During the pandemic, I unearthed many writings such as bedtime stories, submissions to newspapers, and articles of various kinds resting in boxes. During the fall of 2019, I decided to call the Executive Director of the St. Albert Seniors Association to see if she would be interested if I wrote a regular column as part of SASA’s periodic newsletter. “Funny thing,” she said. “SASA had just decided to have a greater social media/digital presence, and a blog would fit very nicely with that plan.”

“I’m in!”

I really didn’t know what a blog was except for the broad concept. So, I set about learning. A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

I had several topic ideas, but I was concerned about continuing to find entertaining topics. I knew if the blogging weren’t fun, I wouldn’t last long. I tested myself to identify topics. Over a couple of weeks, I had easily written down a list of over two dozen. Hurdle number one crossed.

The first blog topic was about the risk of falls amongst seniors. I knew from my workdays there was a lot of information that I could pass on. I did some research and pulled together some points. Dull, I thought but didn’t know what to do about it.

As luck would have it, I was out walking and listening to an Under The Influence podcast by Terry O’Reilly. The podcast is about marketing in its broadest meaning. I wondered why his shows were so addicting. Over the next kilometre, I had it figured out. The structure of each podcast was precisely the same. Start with an idea, almost any idea. Draw the listener in. Then segue way to marketing. It worked on me every time.

So, I went back to the draft of my Falls blog. I started by throwing it out. I recalled that a Grey Cup fan, standing along the sidelines, tripped a player running for a sure touchdown. Now that was a trip and fall!

So it wasn’t until I was well into the story that I connected it to seniors. I’ve kept that format up, with this Blog being an exception.

I think that searching the internet is easy for most people. Folks don’t need more detailed information from me. Instead, I’d offer a challenge for the mind.

My segue way is often started with a “Please give this a bit of a think…”. I ask people to take a few minutes out of their day to reflect on the topic and decide how they might change their thinking or behaviour. Or not change but feel more confident about that choice.

Here, I’ll do a little marketing of my own. Please give this a bit of a think. First, if you like The Blog, please share the link with others. Second, if you have comments, topics, or ideas you think I might be interested in, please leave them on Facebook or send them to me. My email is now included at the end of each Blog.

I’m curious about your thoughts. Please email me or leave your comment. I really do read every one.

If you enjoyed The Blog, please share it with others. Thanks.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

My thanks to St. Albert Seniors Association: 780-459-0433 for making this Blog possible.

Glenn Walmsley

5 thoughts on “50th Blog -Reflections

  1. glenn says:

    Thanks for your compliments.
    They are much appreciated. I think your ideas are sound.
    The reality is that Blogging is a volunteer opportunity I am grateful for. I spend a lot of time on it, already.
    I think I’ll try to insert a video occasionally. The featured image has been a challenge, given I’m not getting out too much.
    Thanks again, to spur me on for continuing to improve the final result that I post.

  2. Marilyn T. Thurston says:

    I really appreciate your blogs and and I do ‘give them a bit of a think’. I am curious though as to why you did not do a blog on Hanukkah/Christmas/Holiday Season? The Wilderness on Mirrors blog had a nice Christmas theme of building relationships…but perhaps I am stretching things to suggest it was a Christmas message.

    • glenn says:

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. Generally, those days/weeks/months that promote awareness or celebrate such as Family Day or religious holidays are very valuable to our society. But sometimes I find it too much, on one theme, over a short period of time. Yet the moment is important. So I tried in this particular Blog to find a core intent that might resonate with others. You weren’t stretching things with my Christmas message. Thanks, again.

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