Brain Health Symposium

October 3, 4, 5

Registration link:

You can register on the web for this event. It is both in person and streamed, so you can engage with this important information in either way. Please, see the registration page for more information on the options. The cost is $25 for each day. Only Oct 4 and 5 will have the noon meal provided, with your options outlined on the registration page.

There are prizes, draws, and give-a-ways — even if you are attending online!

October 3 Evening at the Arden Theatre, 5 Anne Street, St. Albert, AB

Tuesday:            6:30 doors open

                             7:00 Welcome, house keeping and Intros

                             7:30 – 9 pm Dr. Adrian Wagg  (presentation and Q&A)

                            Maintaining brain health in later life

                             9:00pm Thank you and wrap up

Cost $25

 October 4 Daytime at St Albert Seniors Assoc., 7 Tache St., St Albert, AB

Wednesday:       10:00am – 10:30 Welcome, house keeping and Intros;

                             10:30 – noon Dr. Angela Juby (presentation and Q&A)

                              Eating for your Brain

                             Noon – Thank you and lunch                    

12:05pm – 1pm Lunch & Displays

                             1 – 1:20pm Brain Exercise

                             1:15 – 2:50pm Dr. Marc Poulin (presentation and Q&A)

                                It is never too late:  exercise and brain health

                             2:50 – 3pm Wrap up & displays

 Cost $25

October 5 Daytime at St Albert Seniors Assoc., 7 Tache St., St Albert, AB

Thursday:           10:00am – 10:30 Welcome, house keeping and Intros;

                             10:30 – noon Virginia (presentation and Q&A)

                                Mindfulness, meditation, and brain health

                             Noon – Thank you and lunch                    

Noon – 1pm Lunch & Displays

                             1 – 1:20pm Brain Exercise

                             1:15 – 2:50pm Dr. Richard Lewanchuk (presentation and Q&A)

                                The Social Determinates of Brain Health – Your brain needs friends.

                             2:50 – 3pm Wrap up & displays

 Cost $25


Dr. Adrian Wagg:  Dr. Wagg has significant front-line experience in healthcare administration and systems development, a strong knowledge of operational issues and an in-depth perspective of healthcare of older adults. In his service to the community, Dr. Wagg was lately President of the Canadian Continence Foundation and participates in numerous other activities promoting health literacy and the healthy ageing of older adults.

Dr. Angela Juby is a Geriatrician, and a professor of geriatrics in the department of medicine at the University of Alberta.  We see a lot of information regarding what the best diet is as we age.  We are often left with more questions.  Dr. Juby will share information on the importance of diet when it comes to brain health as we age. 


Virginia Dowdell (MA) is a Registered Provisional Psychologist working in private practice in Edmonton. She uses mindfulness regularly in her work with clients and has been meditating (sometimes regularly!) for more than a decade.   Virginia will share in her presentation how mindfulness is important for good brain health.  Attendees will learn what mindfulness is, why this practice is important, and simple ways to add mindful moments to each day.


Dr. Marc Poulin is Professor of Physiology in the Cumming School of Medicine (Departments of Physiology & Pharmacology, and Clinical Neurosciences) and the Faculty of Kinesiology.  With a significant increase in the proportion of Canadians aged 65 and over in the next decade, gaining a better understanding of the cerebrovascular physiology of aging is extremely important.   What we do know is that it is never too late when it comes to exercise and brain health and Dr. Poulin will share his insights with us. 


Dr. Richard Lewanczuk:  Dr. Richard Lewanczuk is the Senior Medical Director for Health System Integration for Alberta Health Services.  Dr. Lewanczuk is currently a Professor Emeritus at the University of Alberta but still co-chairs the Department of Medicine Working Group on Social Determinants of Health. Dr. Lewanczuk is actively involved both nationally and internationally in areas related to primary care and health system integration.