Guilty Pleasure of Binge Watching

I recently was reviewing my week ahead with my wife. Comparing calendars. Finally, we both were heading into a relatively quiet week. Only one scheduled appointment.

We have been busy the last few months and were both grateful for this slow week.

We have an annual pass for the screenings at the local IMAX theatre as part of the Science Centre. All documentaries are 45 minutes in length and are free, and we get blockbuster movies for a nominal ticket fee.

We have been so busy this year that we have rarely used the pass. So, we decided to pick a documentary to watch the next day. We looked at the six choices. We couldn’t decide so we decided to make a day of it.

We used our pass to get free tickets for all six shows. The Science Centre has the best coffee in town and excellent food.

We turned off our phones for the day. I must admit that we both felt a bit foolish and giggly, but it was an adventure.

Oh, another incentive was that there are always large numbers of young students touring the exhibits with the treat of an Imax movie as part of the field trip.

We’ve experienced this before. There is so much energy in the large lobby, which carries into the IMAX theatre; teachers and chaperones are trying to herd these human cat-like creatures. There are so many simultaneous conversations, kids changing seats to sit with friends, and just a general energetic buzz. You can hear the gasps and reactions to the start of the 3D documentary.

The first documentary reviewed the mysteries of China from well before the land was known as China. A good portion of the film was spent on the hundreds of excavated terra-cotta soldiers with the colourizing of these figures through the magic of digital technology.

As the students exited, I heard several comments that they fell asleep—and it was only 10:30 in the morning!

We followed the students out, grabbed our second coffee for the day, and then returned to the theatre for the next film within a 20-minute break.

Extreme weather was the next topic. Lots of calving of glaciers, forest fires and floods.

We took a bathroom break and then returned to watch a show about robots. It was very interesting to see the latest technologies.

Secret of the Seas was next, with amazing colourful shots of the smallest of life living in harmony with the largest.

Then an update with Cities of the Future. Flying taxies and all problems solved by urban technology. A bit of a stretch, but interesting.

Finally, a fascinating approach to the history of The Trolley or streetcar. The trolley was personified as it did its noble duty through peace and way. One interesting piece of trivia was the original name of a familiar baseball team—the Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers. Somewhere along the line, it was officially shortened.

We both were so happy as we walked out to our car in the dark. (Less than a month until the days start to get longer.) We had a wonderful relaxing time watching topics we didn’t know we were curious about until the screen lit up.

Please give this a bit of a think. Have you experienced times of a guilty pleasure that you could call time well wasted?

My thanks to the TV comedy channel for this phrasing.

I am curious about your thoughts. Please comment below with your bit of a think.

Photo by Krish Shah on Unsplash

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And my thanks to St. Albert’s 50+ Activity Centre for making this Blog possible.

Volunteer Blogger

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