Tyranny of They

I’d like to be they, if only for an hour. So unaccountable, anonymous, hidden, yet ever with us.

You know what they say. – oops. Darn, even I couldn’t avoid it! “They say old people are…” or perhaps “They’ll soon be telling us…”

Obviously, they is never defined, and that is the power they have over me. I put my critical thinking on hold and listen carefully to the rest, often accepting it as truth or not voicing my disagreement.

I’ve heard throughout this pandemic that they say, old people are at high risk. Well, the data doesn’t show that. We are in one of the age groups least likely to get C-19 (covid). Yet we have the vast majority of deaths in our age group. If I separate out being old from a variety of medical conditions that can increase the likelihood of a severe experience, including death, being old isn’t the critical aspect.

I’ve never smoked, I drink in moderation, and my weight, although too high, does not put me into the medically obese category. I don’t think my age puts me into a high risk of catching and having a severe reaction.

However, they, I mean I, am not about to tempt fate. I take control of those things that are up to me. I socially distance myself. I wear a mask when I can’t assure my social distance. I avoid crowds and busy times at stores. I order my groceries online. I use Zoom to socially hug. I never zoomed before C-19.

So, here are some ideas you could try. Ask yourself how you can reduce, not necessarily eliminate, the risk of catching C-19 are?

Think about your home. What can you do to reduce the risk of it entering your home? Once in your home, how can you reduce the risk of catching it, if it does get in?

I don’t mean just think. I should have said, write the ideas down in a list. Keep it handy. Add to it as you get more. Most importantly, put them into action as best you can.

Think about your situation when you leave your home. What can you do to reduce the risk of catching C-19 when outside your home?

Out for a Walk? When passing another pedestrian, just step off the sidewalk into a driveway or to the edge of the road. It feels silly, but it reduces your risk. Are you wearing a mask? I found it helped me to stop touching my face. That reduces my risk. Yes, it was uncomfortable at first, but by wearing it at home for short periods, I gradually increased my time of wearing outside.

Before going out, ask yourself, do I really need to go. Not going reduces your risk. Shopping only once per week or even once every 2 weeks reduces the risk.

Check out the time of day. Leave the weekends for those who are working and don’t have a choice, for example.

Outdoor destinations are safer than indoors – risk reduction. Add the ideas to your list.

My thanks to a regular reader of my Blog for the inspiration for this topic.

I’m curious about your thoughts. Please email me or leave your comment. I really do read every one.

If you enjoyed The Blog, please share it with others. Thanks.

My thanks to St. Albert Seniors Association: 780-459-0433 for making this Blog possible.

Glenn Walmsley
The Blog@StAlbertSeniors.ca