I learned last summer that many farms in my home province celebrate Alberta Open Farm Days on a weekend in August.
Let the Adventure begin:
It is a time to connect with rural life, learn about our food production and generally de-city-fy for a few hours. I thought it would be an excellent adventure for my grandchildren. In looking up the participating local farms, I found one that sounded perfect. Unfortunately, it was a two-hour drive. My wife and I thought we might be pushing our luck given the young age of our grandchildren.
We did find a farm less than 30 minutes, which sounded as if it would work out well. When we went to pick the young ones up, we had a wobble between their house and the car. A distance of 50 feet! One of them asked how long he was going to be gone. I stopped walking. I told him this was not a compulsory adventure. He was free to stay at home if he didn’t change his attitude. I stood my ground and waited for his decision. He assured me he wanted to go.
We arrived at the farm without further incidents.
We first went to pick Saskatoon berries. Everybody chipped in, and we had a small bucket full in no time. Guarding the berry patch was a scare-hawk. It flapped in the wind, dove and dipped, keeping berry-eating birds away.
We toured the farm, petted the horses, saw fainting goats, and more. Before we left, we sat to eat some snacks.
Let the Serendipity begin:
Some months later, I explored the first farm’s website. I was so impressed with the farm folk and their approach to farming. They talked about the rhythm of the work-my word, rhythm. They loved all their animals.
Then I noticed they delivered about two times a month to an Edmonton pick-up point. Their prices were reasonable. I knew that any payment went 100% to the farm. I gave them a try and placed a small order.
The food ended up in my freezer just as expected.
So now we are buying most of our meat products from Chatsworth farm.
Please give this a bit of a think. Are their food sources nearby your home? Wild game? Eggs? Beef and Chicken? What about bison? Plant items such as vegetables and berries I’ll leave for another time. Who would need to do what in your home to purchase some of your food from a more direct source?
I’m curious about your thoughts. Please leave your bit-of-a-think below.
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And my thanks to St. Albert Seniors Association: 780-459-0433 for making this Blog possible.

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