Author Archives: glenn

From A Flashlight to an Attitude

I just finished reading a book, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, by Margareta

What Our Adult Children Want to Hear From Us

I was sent a link by a friend. I finally set aside time to follow

From Mustard Gas to New Abilities

I like reading the backstories of common and familiar people, places, and things. It makes

Push A Card-Any Card

In my younger days, I was interested in magic tricks and how to perform them.

I Turn Around and Step Back

I find it funny how my life has such beneficial twists and turns. I sat

Functional Fitness-Now That’s My Style

I was listening to the radio this morning while reading my paper. Then, the regular


Less Overachieving

I am getting older every day—no news flash there. But in my younger years, I


The Mirrorworld

I am curious about the future – both within my lifetime and beyond. I saw

Hello, Is This 555

I am familiar with the prefix telephone number ‘555’ being used as a fictional number

Brave Birds Fly Through Fog

I like bumper sticker-type phrases, as my regular readers already know. But they can mislead