I was reading a movie review recently. The author, whom I enjoy so much even when he pans a movie I liked, had a turn of phrase. I liked the concept and played with the words to arrive at this Blog’s title.
I expect you’ll know the inspiring idiom of ‘the acorn doesn’t fall very far from the tree.’
I found my updated version to be more helpful. The original reinforced that much of my future is preordained – inevitable. I like to think, and why not, that my future was waiting for me to create an original me.
I have done that in many ways over my 7 decades of life. I’m pouring over my family tree from about the 1680s to the present. As an Aunt of mine declared, the Walmsleys were a churchy lot. That isn’t a bad thing – but it isn’t my thing. I think I have forged my own spiritual path that is right for me.
That’s one example.
Another is my ingrained habit of eating only one chocolate from the ‘Pot of Gold’ per session (day). I didn’t realize this was a thing until my wife wanted to pick two chocolates in one sitting. I didn’t see her response coming!
As a youngster, I clearly recall the many boxes of chocolates in the house. They were often presents from family, friends or business associates. Family members each got to pick one out, and then the box was put away in the cupboard at the end of the buffet.
“All things in moderation.” When I was younger, my Dad was the king of moderation. Many years after his passing, his voice rings in my ears should I stray from the middle ground.
I try to listen, reflect and sometimes moderate my behaviour or thinking.
So at times, the acorn rings true. But only sometimes.
My interest in a wide range of music, writing in various formats, and an interest in wine and Scotch are examples of the different orchards I sometimes stroll in. Fortunately, I feel no guilt or shame for being who I am. I still feel like a member of the ‘Walmsley’ group.
Please give this a bit of a think. What expectations do you feel that cause a problem, leave you torn, or otherwise not as free as you’d like to think or act a certain way? This is regardless of the source of the expectation. It could be from a specific individual, cultural, religious or peer group.
I’m curious about your thoughts. Please share your bit of a think below.
Photo by Monique Carrati on Unsplash
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And my thanks to St. Albert Seniors Association: 780-459-0433 for making this Blog possible.

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