I came across this phrase about the artist’s role in our society. I first considered whether I supported this idea and, second, who is an artist.
Let’s work backwards and think about what makes an artist, an artist.
Applying this label to certain folks who create art is obvious – thus, an artist.
But what about someone who makes pottery? We call them potters – a potist just doesn’t work, yet most folks would include them under the broad grouping of artists.
Craftsmen (leaving aside the gender issue for the moment) is a broad category we could include under artists, but it loses the cache of the history behind the word. Filmmakers and film stars reference their craft.
“I just make cakes” might describe someone working in a bakery. In contrast, another baker may describe the cake creations as works of art.
And on it goes. So I’m going with anyone who can label themselves as artists regardless of what they do.
But would they all accept their role in society as needing to make rebellion irresistible? Some might, others not so much.
Now, a personal example. Conni Massing is an Edmonton playwright. I went to see a recent production of “Fresh Hell” that she wrote. Very briefly, it is a time travel, feminist, rebellion type of genre if such a one even exists. She has Joan of Arc meeting the mid-century New York writer and satirist Dorothy Parker to discuss their respective lives.
These two people with wildly divergent backgrounds, born in different eras, have enough in common to keep me enthralled for 2 hours. To me, Conni is an artist. The originality of bringing these two people together is fantastic. What did they talk about? Many things, but much circled around rebellion. Marching to their own drummer.
It was hard to sit through this play and not contemplate how I could break out of a few societal constraints, as well as help others who don’t have the advantages I have had, break out also.
Please give this a bit of a think. Who inspired you in your life to be different or take a different fork in the road? How and why did they influence you so much? How have you helped others to rebel against societal constraints? Release the artist in you!
I’m curious about your thoughts. Please share your bit of a think in the comment section below. It will come to me for approval before posting.
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
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The act of creating is often referred to as being an artist but more explicitly if you paint or draw you are most likely referred to as an artist. A writer of poetry is a poet, a flower arranger, a florist, one who writes songs, a composer but no one would argue that any of them are not artists, we just don’t refer to them as such. Another area of labels or more precisely titles, is doctor. Is a podiatrist or a chiropractor a doctor? They can call themselves “doctor” but they are not medical doctors. And bookkeepers are not accountants . I forget why we are talking about this. Oh yes, rebellion. A pretty strong word often associated with being arrested or put in jail. A rebellious teenager often grows out of it. I did but it takes some longer than others . I ran away from home at 16, spent time in a girls’ training school, left high school before I graduated, got married, lasted 6 years, got divorced, re-peated that three times and finally……… grew up, converted to Orthodox Judaism ( not a popular choice these days) and had my beautiful only child at age 42. Within Judaism I found a solid template for how to conduct my life and along with it clarity and meaning. I took “the path less travelled and that has made all the difference.”
Many are rebellious in different ways and at different speeds. For those that survive and work at maturing, the journey continues. Hopefully, others can take inspiration from the rebels all around them.
I’m putting the artist aside here and focusing on work before play. The older I get the more rebellious I become. I love people but say what I want and make no apologizes if they are offended as long as it was constructive.
I took some time after Christmas to work out my version of how the world ended up where we are now, where it was before and where I think we are heading in 2024. Our society today has more sheep than wolves. The wolves are there in sheep clothing stalking, dangerous and planning for a kill. The Great Pyrenees are doing their best to protect but are hindered and depend on their masters.
I apologized to my son recently for my generation (yes the Baby Boomers). We were complacent while enjoying the good life given to us by our parent’s generation who went through difficult times and their parents before that. Freedom isn’t free and we are losing it fast. It’s not all our fault we are leaving his generation in a mess. The education system at the time didn’t help us think for ourselves. The curriculum was about memorizing what you were told to believe. Critical thinking wasn’t invented yet or it was considered a threat to the institution.
Thanks for taking time to share your bit of a think. We can blame others or blame ourselves – neither moves us to a better place, though. It is difficult to create a better role for us boomers like me and you. Take care.