I will be different, or at least I hope so.
I think it will be impossible to go back to the old normal. Almost without exception, we have suffered losses; jobs, income, relationships, loved ones, health, naivety, and a lot of ignorance.
I highlight the trend during the pandemic for issues to be seen as black or white.
Alberta has had hundreds of deaths due to covid-19. Ideologically based decisions took precedence – or not. Suppose I disagree with the political decision, finding the health vs economic priority. In that case, I can comfortably label it as being ideologically driven. Otherwise, I think of it as objective and more science-based. The genuine, thoughtful intent of most people has gotten lost.
Discussions often involve taking turns, resulting in two monologues.
It will take time to change ineffective conversations.
I need to incorporate the overburden of negativity during the pandemic into something that makes sense and helps me understand the world around me. That world is both very near and very far away.
I’ll reference the Indigenous People in Canada as my personal example.
I have some Indigenous people who are almost life-long friends. During this pandemic, I have had the time to reflect on my understanding of their situation, history and my current relationship individually and collectively.
Including time to reflect, I completed the 12 week MOOC course at the University of Alberta, “Indigenous Canada.” I read a book, “Son of A Trickster.” Collectively these experiences have left me confident that I will be different now and in my life’s journey.
I try to align my perceived identity with my behaviour.
It’s a bit like cleaning up. When is enough, enough? I commit myself to reflect frequently and use my precious time to move closer to the person I want to be. Then I forgive myself if that isn’t sufficient and move on.
Please give this a bit of a think. Think about a few words that describe who you are that you’d put on your tombstone. Then reflect on behaviours that don’t quite line up. Pick one to focus on and create a plan to move those two ideas closer together. Take your time. It doesn’t happen overnight. Every journey starts…
Please let me know or post a comment about what you decide to focus on.
I’m curious about your thoughts. Please leave me your comment.
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Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash
And my thanks to St. Albert Seniors Association: 780-459-0433 for making this Blog possible.

Understanding the other side starts with education and of course an open mind. A book I read a few years ago “ Under the Summer Moon “- an historical account of the most powerful tribe in the US in1864 , the Comanches, left me saddened that the slaughter of so many was necessary in the name of expanding the west. I don’t know if the US built residential schools. Canada will go down in history for the shameful way that indigenous people were treated. Will it be recorded in the history books that our grandchildren read or swept under the carpet?
Thanks for your thoughtful comment.