A Fire Hose of Bad News

I heard this expression on the radio and fell in love with it. It, unfortunately, captures my feelings about the pandemic.

My universe is filled with bad news. I can’t avoid it. I just need to open my eyes and open my ears. It is everywhere, and it crowds out alternative information. My local papers try to compensate by having a regular good news column. It seems so forced. I don’t read it. It isn’t presented as news but more as a column filler.

This can be overwhelmingly negative on my soul. That is never a good thing – especially if I can avoid it. So, the first thing I do is actively look for positive news items hidden in the stream of negativity. I then reinforce the behaviour of whoever provided that opportunity to me.

For example, going to movies in theatres is not a typical pastime anymore. One of the largest cinema chains overseas has suspended all showings. The third-largest cinema chain in the United States is filing for bankruptcy. Oh, I’m falling into the trap of spreading bad news. It is so easy to do.

I enjoy the movie reviews by Chris Knight in the National Post chain of papers. He goes way beyond telling me he likes the movie. He connects it to cinema history, the historical times, backstories of the personalities, etc. Even if I never see the movie, my regular “Knightly” fix brings joy to my heart. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t surprise me if the paper stopped printing his writings because folks aren’t going to movies much anymore.

I wrote a letter to the editor with a positive message about the movie reviews. I wanted to say thanks. I was out there still reading reviews of movies I would probably not see for many months. They actually printed my letter! Oh, joy.

Suppose you are an older adult. I know it takes more energy to seek out and support a healthier balance on the negative/positive continuum. It takes even more effort to purposefully support or contribute to a more positive reflection of our times.

To be clear, I’m not pretending we should look through rose coloured glasses. But, by being mindful of the beneficial aspects of not absorbing negativity, we can be happier. Those loved ones who surround us will appreciate it.

So give this a bit of a think. Identify one negative news story about the pandemic, and then find a positive thought amongst your pandemic thoughts. Here comes the critical part. Share that positivity with another. You will both be the better for it.

Photo by Michael Jeffrey on Unsplash

I’m curious about your thoughts. Please leave your comment. I read every one.

My thanks to St. Albert Seniors Association: 780-459-0433 for making this Blog possible.

Volunteer Blogger:



8 thoughts on “A Fire Hose of Bad News

  1. Diana+Magrath says:

    Some good and positive thoughts here _ thank you. It is indeed difficult to fine positive news at present as everything just seems to be getting worse everywhere, and yet there ate things we need to know to stay safe. I find myself becoming really angry with people who flout the ‘rules.’ then complain when they are caught _ as in now that Nova Scotia !! actually being in lockdown due to some local people partying with a group who had just driven in from Ontario !!!!!!!!!!

  2. Del Shafer says:

    Very good Glenn, our commercial media seems to focus on perpetuating negativity, we would all be better off to ignore it and instead look around for things that are positive and provide us with a little “ feel good “ moment or two, please keep up your blogs.

    • glenn says:

      Personally, I don’t want to ignore the negative news, as there can be life-saving info there. But bad news sells, so I do try to consciously support good news when I can.

  3. Patti+Dolman says:

    I was about to tell my neighbour that her lovely silver birch has Phythoptora , a bleeding canker caused by stress. It borders on my property and she can’t see what appears to be blood ooozing out of three openings. But then I thought do I really need to be the bearer of bad news, again? Last week I told her about wasps nesting near her dryer vent.
    I just returned from a curb side store – a sign in the window said “ All Masks 50% Off” . This a good sign ( no pun intended) that perhaps the pandemic is on the wain.
    This I can share!

  4. Kathryn Walmsley says:

    A very timely piece, Glenn. It is so easy to wallow in a sea of negativity at the moment. Some good things are happening. For the first time the average middle class person is acutely aware of what life is like for many less fortunate people here in Toronto. It looks like paid sick leave will be coming, non essential factories are closing down and we are forced to reconsider what is meaningful and important work. Vaccination rates are steadily increasing as medical teams are going into hot spots.

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