Author Archives: Glenn.Walmsley

Remember and Think

I am fortunate that I can’t remember the second World War. I was born several years after. But I can think. A few years ago, my wife and I took a river cruise from Paris to Rouen, France. Driving this distance would have taken us 2.5 hours. The voyage lasted a week. You can do…

My Taxes are too Low

I hear many times that prices are too high. We pay too much tax. I think differently. I’d like to live in a country with the following in no particular order: Cost of Living: A sustainable cost to support real benefits I value: High Quality of Life High Level of Safety Good Health Care Low…

Can’t Google This

I’m a person who lives more in the moment. Diaries are for other people. I try to live it rather than record it. I think I’m wrong, at least at this point in my life. Several threads have come together to nudge me in a different direction. The first thread started when I learned of…

My Pub Has Good Bones

I have a couple of favourite pubs. One is very local, while the other is a good 20 km away. Covid-19 has been difficult for retail businesses. The pub I had to drive to, closed early on in the pandemic. It changed from a temporary closure to “Closed Permanently.” Some background. This pub was nothing…

My Recessive Gene is An Algorithm

I understand that a recessive gene in the DNA of humans will exacerbate our weaknesses. We have learned that near relatives shouldn’t marry because of the recessive gene concept causing physical and mental abnormalities. It will be a significant and weakening factor in human reproduction over time. It’s better to have a large gene pool…